Pay Yourself First
If the first day you get paid . . .
you are looking for a new set of clothes, you are not paying yourself first. If you are waiting for that direct deposit to hit so that you can go out for happy hour, you are not paying yourself first!
What you are doing is paying someone else first. You are paying directly into the growth and success of an organization but not yourself. As a fellow consumer I am fully aware how we help businesses grow. e buy their products which help sustain their business. What is it that you are actually doing to sustain you?
The following are 3 tips to help you pay yourself first.
1. Routinely Save for Yourself
One of the easiest ways to save for yourself is to set side money in a short-term or long-term savings account. By setting aside the same amount routinely you give yourself a foundation to grow. For example if every month you set aside $500 specifically to pay yourself in one year you would have $6,000. That $6,000 can take you on trip or fund a small investment. By including that $500 in your budget you already account for it as a necessary expense. You can ensure that the amount you want to set aside always makes it to that account by setting up a recurring automatic deposit at your bank. This is an effortless way to make sure that$ 500 monthly or $250 every two weeks is transferred where it should.
2. Set a budget
Setting a budget ensures you only spend what you take in. Too often we are focused on how we must spend money instead of realizing we don't really have the money there. Spending more than you take in can only leave you at a loss. With a budget you will notice that you are no longer "broke" a few days after being paid. Two weeks pay should really last you two weeks. Setting a budget takes into account both your fixed and variable expenses. The budge that you set should include your rent, savings, insurance, car note, and groceries as these should be handled before you splurge.
3. Pay down debt
Allowing debt (credit, car loan, student loan etc.) to pile up the interests it collects only inhibits your financial freedom. Imagine how much more flexible you would be if you did not have that credit card debt nagging at you every time you were paid. By paying yourself you make it a mission to pay down debt so that your pockets are not always at the mercy of your debtors. Paying down debt early allows you to pay less in the long run. One suggestion would be to pay more than the minimum amount required. If your credit card bill is $35 monthly, pay $50 every month. You will pay it off faster while not incurring as much interest as you would have with the original payment.
As humans we naturally get a rush by spending money. I urge you to be more careful where you spend your dollar so that you do not get to point where you need that next paycheck to make ends meets. Being more financially responsible begins with making sound decisions. By making it a habit to save for yourself, following a budget, and paying off debt you will be on a better track to financial stability.
You can build yourself to the status of financial freedom when you decide to pay yourself first. Your financial freedom is more important than buying the latest iPhone to fit in.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to leave comments below
- Manessa Lo.